wamc08 - working ADULT MUSIC COURSE

We are pleased to announce a new music course designed specifically for adult learners who are currently employed. This course is perfect for those who have always had a passion for music but struggled to find the time to pursue their interests due to work commitments. Our comprehensive curriculum covers all aspects of music theory, history and performance, and our experienced instructors are committed to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment. Participants will gain valuable skills, such as improved communication and teamwork, which can directly benefit their career advancement. With flexible scheduling options and affordable tuition rates, our music course is a fantastic opportunity for working adults to expand their horizons and pursue their passion for music. We look forward to welcoming you to our program.

  • All age group
  • Require a laptop
  • Require a music instrument depending on the music course.
  • Our program aims to provide students with a comprehensive musical education that will enrich their musicianship and performance skills, while also developing their compositional abilities.
  • Students will gain valuable experience in ensemble playing and exposure to various musical styles, which will enable them to compose in different genres. Our supportive environment nurtures passion and cultivates essential skills for the future.
  • Our experienced instructors provide expert guidance and mentorship to help students reach their full potential. Overall, our program fosters an appreciation for music, helping students become well-rounded musicians.
  • Class Length – 45 Minutes per session (2 Sessions in a month)
  • Course Length – 48 Months
  • Class Type – Individual/Group
  • Class Mode – Online (Zoom/Google Meet)
  • Materials – Online Reading Materials
  • Language – English, Tamil, Malay
  • Level 1 (3 months)
  • Level 2 (7 months)
  • Level 3 (18 months)
  • Level 4 (20 months)

Please contact our customer service team for specific course fee information as it varies based on course level and currency.

11 working adult music courses

Acoustic Guitar


Electric Guitar







Music Production

Music Mastering Masterclass


Experience the difference in quality lessons at TriHertz Music Academy

Music Production​

Students have a golden opportunity to join our music production and record label to compose, produce and be a full-time musicians. They have the opportunity to compose new singles, Albums, Cover songs, BGMs for movies and short films.

Qualified Teachers​

Our teachers have experience in live music performances and music recording. Students will not only get to learn the technicalities of music, but they will also get to apply the knowledge in music performances and music recording.

Job Opportunities 

Students have the opportunity to be music educators in our music academy once they graduate from our academy. Students will be assisted and guided throughout their training sessions until they are confident enough to teach.

Inquiry Us

Kindly fill up the inquiry form. We will contact you to discuss and find the suitable music lesson for you or you can chat with us.